Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Assignment 3

 Assignmet 3

"What Do You Want"

For this sound track I selected a variety of sounds and audio clips to create a sense of uneasiness and possibly cause a mixed emotion of anxiety with a hint of ease. I chose a few "old timey" pieces to create a sense of dream like nostalgia and chopped it up with clips that could be considered annoying with a back drop  of repetition and fuzziness.

Sound List

-Jolie Holland remix: GoAMurdarin.mp3

-buzzing static: bzzzzappatap.mp3

-Patsy Cline, "Alway": Patsy Cline - Always.mp3

-"It's a Wonderful Life" sample: moon.wav

- Audio clip from "House of a 1000 Corpses": Loved By You.m4a

- Audio clip from "Devil's Rejects": Chi Jap.m4a

- Audio clip from "The Child Molester" A saftey video from 1964. Little girls singing hopscotch song. Hopscotch.m4aEmbed

-Audio clip "Devil's Rejects" Tutti Fruity.m4a

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