Thursday, August 29, 2013

Ch.1&2 "No One Cares What You Ate for Lunch

I love this book so far. No. 1- it was simple. No. 2 it's the kind of reading I enjoy. And of course, No. 3, which is the most obvious, it was very inspiring. There was at least a handful of stories that made me think "Wow! I have the perfect situation that fits into this scenario for a blog". The first of which are about a couple of interesting experiences I've had on road trips at rest stops. It's the odd things that happen on trips that you will never forget. If these things happened on an ordinary day where you live  you'd probably never think about them again. (But I'll save that for when I need it :)
 So speaking of travels, my boyfriend and I use to keep a journal that we'd take with us on trips and vacations, we'd write all the high-lights and experiences of the day. There was even a star rating next to each restaurant we dined at. We'd both write our own share, and notice things that one another forgot to mention or just left out.  But then the journaling just stopped, and we've been so many places since those day. On our last couple of trips we asked ourselves "why aren't we journaling anymore?" I loved reading back on the memories and the humor we used within our writing.
Blogging is the perfect remedy. I have now encouraged my boyfriend to start a blog and to also read the couple of chapters from this book for his own personal inspirations. In addition we plan to start a joined travel blog that we'll both share our stories and a pics from our trips. Since just a picture alone cannot capture our unique experiences.

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