Sunday, December 1, 2013

About Me/ Artist Statement

About Me: If I had to describe my self in a few words I'd have to say "I am a head strong, easy-going, girlie tom-boy". I'm the mother to a beautiful 9year old son, Damien who is the coolest and most creative child ever, he motivates me everyday . I love art! Unfortunately I don't create it as much I would like to, outside of school projects. It is an immediate goal of mine to incorporate personal art making to my daily routine. I am an Art Education major with a strong passion for working with children and teaching art. I plan to seek employment near Ann Arbor MI teaching k-6 upon graduation.  I regularly volunteer for the Art Commissions of Toledo, demonstrating hands-on art demos for kids. I also do some freelance photography. My ultimate future achievement would be to open my own coffee shop/ personal art gallery in Northern MI seasonally, or Colorado....where ever life takes me . I am 28 and from Toledo, I currently live in Lambertville MI.

Artist Statement: Animal skulls and female nudes, vintage photography and vividly colored ink splatter. These are a few things that help describe my work and artistic interest.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Assignment 4

In constructing my video I tried to replecate the pattern and rhythm found in my audio assignment, while reflecting the vintage and somewhat dark feel it has.  I did have a second version of this video that was further edited and tweaked but after reviewing the two I felt my initial project flowed the best and had a more cohesive ending. Overall I feel the video and audio are well paired and I am pleased with my final product.

Assignment4aZarate from Angelina Zarate on Vimeo.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Assignment 3

 Assignmet 3

"What Do You Want"

For this sound track I selected a variety of sounds and audio clips to create a sense of uneasiness and possibly cause a mixed emotion of anxiety with a hint of ease. I chose a few "old timey" pieces to create a sense of dream like nostalgia and chopped it up with clips that could be considered annoying with a back drop  of repetition and fuzziness.

Sound List

-Jolie Holland remix: GoAMurdarin.mp3

-buzzing static: bzzzzappatap.mp3

-Patsy Cline, "Alway": Patsy Cline - Always.mp3

-"It's a Wonderful Life" sample: moon.wav

- Audio clip from "House of a 1000 Corpses": Loved By You.m4a

- Audio clip from "Devil's Rejects": Chi Jap.m4a

- Audio clip from "The Child Molester" A saftey video from 1964. Little girls singing hopscotch song. Hopscotch.m4aEmbed

-Audio clip "Devil's Rejects" Tutti Fruity.m4a

Sunday, October 13, 2013

This voice mashup never gets old, makes me crack up everytime.

RiP! A Remix Manifesto

While watching the film a few different thoughts occur to me.
-DJ's, the original DJ's, the ones that actually used vinyl records (their own collection of other artist's music) have been creating amazing and entertaining music of their own for a very long time. Was that or is that still copyright infringement? I do feel this method of music making, vibe creating and crowd controlling does require a bit more skill and finesse than todays method, using the conveniences of technology and digital media. However the two are not that different.
-I also thought back to when I was in 6th grade and I used to go to stores in the mall that sold new CD's (do those even exist anymore??) I remember paying 5$ for a single that had no more than 2 pop songs on it. Now I cant even remember the last time I paid for music that wasn't live. I don't need to own it, I'm completely content borrowing it from Pandora or the library.
-"The concept of intellectual property is addictive. Once you realize that ideas are more profitable than oil, gold or even land, then there's no limit to what can be thought of as property." This sums up my feelings throughout the viewing of the video. And as an artist who likes to collage, it's not the first time that I've wondered if I could be sued for using images from the internet or magazines. But what has bothered me more than that is how easily anyone could steal my imagery, my ideas and my art.
-None of this is a problem until profit is involved.